Letter from newly imprisoned members of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire (Greece)

O. Economidou, G.Polidoras, G.Nikolopoulos, D.Bolano, Ch.Tsakalos
They thought it was over…
But now everything begins again…
We write now locked in our cells, dozens of kilometres away from one another, hostages where we were exiled by the vengefulness of the juridical authorities scattered in the prisons of greece, Corfu, Komotini, Grevena, Domokos, Thebes…
We write and we are certain that our voice, no matter how they try to bury it in the drowning cells of democracy, has the strength to still shout. To shout for freedom, for inversion, for revolution. Shout for another way of life were we will all be “kings” without slaves. For a world without authority, police and prisons.
We still have the thirst to speak of our struggle, about our rights and wrongs, about this unique journey to the oceans of mutiny where we wandered through the Conspiracy Cells of Fire. Because we, Olga Ekonomidou, Giorgos Polidoras, Damianos Bolano, Giorgos Nikolopoulos, Christos Tsakalos, are a piece of the Conspiracy Cells of Fire and the Conspiracy is our way for the revolution.
Today more than ever, we are sure that our voice, together with the voices of our brothers, Gerasimos, Mihalis, Haris and Panagiotis, are linked with thousands of voices that preceded us and with thousands that will follow. Our decision to be organised in the Conspiracy Cells of Fire is the decision to stop seeing the life that was imposed on us with the eyes of a passive spectator and become perpetrators of our history. Transfer the revolution to first person, fight for ourselves, without inhibitions and postponements and to exist in the here and now of the new urban guerilla warfare.
This is why we decided to arm ourselves and to walk with our head held high against our faint-hearted era.
We never did fit in the narrow limits of an orthodox social struggle that speaks almost exclusively the language of economic analyses and the front of class struggle, flamboyantly ignoring the individual responsibility of the subjects of authority. We are hostile so much to the hand that holds the whip, as well as to the backs that accept it passively on them.
This is why we speak of the revolution of daily life, for the inversion of compromises, for untamed freedom, for the greed of desires, for the uniqueness of the individual.
We are not fooled by the crippled freedom they promise us on flat screens, in fast cars and in comfortable apartments. We seek the authentic side of life outside the limits of a society that reciprocates between angry outbreaks of economic claims and big intervals of hibernation. Not us, our comrades set fire to the quiet nights in the metropolis, despise the laws and have their vision clear of the hypocrisy of urban culture. We are the reversed image of society in the mirror. We are anarcho-individualists and nihilists and we know that we are conducting a minority struggle with a powerful price. However we do not regret even a moment. Even imprisoned our conscience remains freer than ever.
Do not search therefore through police scripts and theories of communicating containers to find the causes that more young people abandon the certainty of a legal life, and choose revolutionary illegality and the new urban guerilla warfare as a choice of life. Do not wonder when new comrades with surplus courage raise their weapons against this system of death. Because its your system itself, the hypocrisy, poverty contextual and material, fake culture, empty relations, oppression, exploitation of nature, that “supplies” new urban guerilla warfare with dozens of undisciplined revolutionaries. This is why, the new urban guerilla warfare will never be defeated. But like the phoenix will be reborn from the ashes of a precarious defeat, even more stronger, even more threatening, even more liberating. And we were, are and will be there…

Informal Anarchist Federation-International Revolutionary Front

Olga Economidou
Giorgos Polidoras
Giorgos Nikolopoulos
Damianos Bolano
Christos Tsakalos
Members of the imprisoned cell of the Conspiracy Cells of Fire
We greet the direct reflective action of comrades from Volos, who on the afternoon of the same day of our arrest, assembled in the area and made a demo to the house where we stayed, cutting the ribbons of exclusion by the police and shouting chants. Such actions accentuate the hostilities and release “occupied” turfs from the police, showing that the capitulation will never come… Also the attacks with incendiary devices from Comrades warms our hearts, breaking the ice of isolation and captivity they want to impose on us. We send our warmest greeting to all the anarchist-incendiary groups and to the International Revolutionary Front-Informal Anarchist Federation which we will continue to promote with all our strength, because we are unrepentant accomplices in the same crime of the raging search for freedom.
From the hell-holes of the greek prisons we express our wholehearted solidarity to the comrades that are imprisoned in the democratic cells of Chile, carrying out a hunger strike for their release, pawning their own life. Brothers hold strong… no matter how far we are buried alive in the cement graves of prisons, we know that through the bars of our cells we gaze a common flaming sky… of revolution and anarchy…

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