Category Archives: Words of support to R.O. Conspiracy of Cells of Fire and all imprisoned revolutionary anarchists from Conspiracy of Cells of Fire: Russian Cell / FAI-IRF (Russia)

Words of support to R.O. Conspiracy of Cells of Fire and all imprisoned revolutionary anarchists from Conspiracy of Cells of Fire: Russian Cell / FAI-IRF (Russia)

November 2nd, 2011

While reading letters written by imprisoned comrades and their communiques, we can feel with all our hearts their hatred towards status quo, their anxiety to create another world by destroying this one. Each line of such texts flows like a stream through your veins. It gets right to the core and stays forever in your soul.

While walking down cold and dark streets of the metropolises, we never forget about hundreds of imprisoned comrades and thousands who have died. Sorrow mixed with anger channeled through a prism of revolutionary consciousness give us a huge pulse to make revolution a reality. Read the rest of this entry »