Indonesia: IRF / FAI Indonesia claims new International Solidarity fire attack against BRI Bank, Yogyakarta; 3 comrades arrested

7 October 2010
Social rebellion will continue as the sun continues to shine.
This time we say, that what we are doing is the culmination of all our anxieties and anger against a system that is running this. Systems that idolize money, a system that nags the public daily with television, so they buy things they do not need so that they continue to work like a machine. System that required us and other people to not have control over our own lives.
Another system that benefits the bourgeoisie, the businessmen, and state bureaucrats who become loyal allies. For us all, this is not the time to be quiet, not the time to calmly watch the event in front of the television and say that “all is okay”.
For each incident of repression in West Papua.
For each incident of oppression in Kulon Progo.
For every historic repression in Aceh.
For each incident of oppression in Wera, Bima.
For any evictions and land seizures in Takalar and Pandan Raya in Makassar.
For each of the oppression of our comrades who are struggling.
To Tukijo and social combatants languishing in jail just because of fighting for their life right.
For each forest concessions that would destroy any money on behalf of biodiversity and business!
And for every prison should have burned to the ground.
So long as the state and capitalism still exist, never will there be words of peace between those dispossessed by those who are dispossessing.
Attacks on financial centers: ATMs, banks, corporate buildings is an important target, because they are one of the collaborators who cause suffering on this earth.
This is not because we do not advocate terrorism to attack the people, terrorism is a war between countries. Terrorism is a rice and food in your kitchen that are running low. Terrorism is a crook in uniform who carries weapons everywhere. Terrorism is the massacre of the dispossessed.
So we say: enough!
Tortuga! The combatants who never stopped to fight out there, although you have to crouch on the bars because you will be freedom of belief: Conspiracy of Cells of Fire (Greece), combatants in Chile: Tortuga! Lives on! Gabriel Pombo da Silva, Thomas Meyer Falk (Germany) Polykarpos Georgiades, Revolutionary Struggle! Kudos for the combatants in Manado, Makassar, and Bandung, you are an inspiration in the middle of the powerlessness of their lives that society makes increasingly uncertain and helpless.

“Let the fire burn in the darkness!”

Long Live Luciano Tortuga Cell – International Revolutionary Front – FAI

Note: 3 people were arrested following this action. One comrade is a fugitive. Long may they remain free. More details to be released.

CCF-FAI communique for four arsons (Mexico)

October 4th, 2011

To all arsonists and like-minded antagonists, the third communiqué from the CCF-FAI of Mexico:
Like the joint communiqué by 11 Mexican insurrectionary anarchist and eco-anarchist groups says: “We are launching a frontal attack on the system of domination, causing maximum damage with minimum risk.”

We have the capacity to rebel against a criminal, terrorist, unjust system, even until the final consequences!
On September 15, while BLACK SEPTEMBER was developing in Mexico, a new path of informal struggle against domination was being laid out: the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire (CCF) faction of the Informal Anarchist Federation of Mexico (FAI-M). Our first arson was carried out on September 27 by the Mexico City cells, who unleashed liberatory fire at the warehouse on Avenida Pacífico between Miguel Ángel de Quevedo and Eje 10 Sur in the Coyoacán area of Mexico City. War on the existent order had begun. The next day, we torched the Airport Staff training school of the National College of Professional Technical Education (CONALEP), located in the Third Ward of Arenal in the Venustiano Carranza area of Mexico City. On September 30, in an action coordinated between the Mexico City cells and the Jalisco cells, the CCF of Mexico simultaneously attacked capital in Mexico City and Jalisco, hitting where it hurts most: merchandise. Liberatory fire was born at the Wal-Mart on Calle Luis Donaldo Colosio in the Buenavista suburb of Cuauhtémoc, Mexico City and at the Pabellón shopping mall on Avenida Patria in Guadalajara, Jalisco.
Recent statements by Mexico City chief prosecutor Miguel Ángel Mancera continue to downplay the anarchist actions taking place in the capital. This is the same old strategy used by the PRD and Marcelo Ebrad to censor our struggle, as the Mexico City cells claimed responsibility for their attack in a communiqué released on the same day as the action. The Jalisco chief prosecutor’s office is also adding to the silence and whitewashing that conceals our struggle, as the Jalisco cells publicized their attack that same night as well.
With our acts of propaganda during the events of this BLACK SEPTEMBER, we take retribution for comrade Tortuga, comrade Tamara, and our comrade prisoners in Mexico and the rest of the world.
The struggle has begun. Let’s make sure it spreads everywhere.
Take a single comrade prisoner during tomorrow’s march and we will make the cities burn!
We are all accomplices of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire!
Long live the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire!
Long live the Informal Anarchist Federation of Mexico!
Long live the fighting insurrectionist and eco-anarchist groups!
Long live liberatory fire and avenging gunpowder!
Be strong, captive comrades in the Bombings Case!
Be strong, imprisoned comrades from the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire!
Be strong, comrades from Epanastatikos Agonas [Revolutionary Struggle]!
Be strong, comrade Tortuga!
Be strong, comrade Tamara!
Be strong, comrade Gabriel!
Against the technological system of domination!
For the demolition of prisons!
For the destruction of everything that dominates us!
For Total Liberation!
For international anarchist coordination!
For Anarchy!
Conspiracy of Cells of Fire (Jalisco); October 1, 2011

Incendiary attack against car dealership by Fire Cell / FAI (UK)

GP Motors burned

325 receives and transmits:
10 October 2011
On the night of Monday 10 October we hit the bastard system again with more fiery anger. Two cars at the GP Motors dealership in Newnham, Cambridge, were arsoned – we hope the flames spread to the others, bringing a roaring inferno to the quiet leafy streets. No one was outside, the only sign of the middle class residents awake was the blue glow of TV screens from curtained windows! While the insurrectionary action cell had adrenaline pumping, joy in the heart, the moon shining bright above and the refreshing night air.
Shout out to the impatient and the bored shaking off passiveness and going on the attack against society!!
To the Greek uprizers and most especially the CCF, you fill us with strength, stay strong and stay unbowed!
And to the anarchists on the attack around the world, in Mexico, Chile, Spain, Indonesia, Russia, Argentina, Italy, and everywhere else – we are winning, winning against society’s cloying herd mentality and the meaningless lot set out for us in life.
As we know in our hearts, what we win is right here right now living with the head held high, the smile as we face a new day with dignity, the knowledge that whether or not the broader population upsurges against the imposed system and we have anything like the anarchist dream of a world of freedom and equality with no domination, we live without regrets as anarchists NOW.
Against the whole fucking disgusting cage of civilisation – wild destruction for total liberation!
Fire Cell / Informal Anarchist Federation


On Sunday 09/10 a group of roughly 60 comrades assembled outside Nauplium prisons surprising comrades D.Bolano and G. Polydoros (members of the R.O. CCF) that are there but mainly surprising the people-guards and the cops in the area. The people-guards ran to hide and the cops showed up 3 minutes before our sceduled depart. The people remained there for an hour and a half shouting dynamic chants and at the same time marched around the prisons. The gathering finshed after the phone interventions of the two comrades and the chant:



D. Bolano and G. Poludoros put in isolation-GREECE

D. Bolano and G. Poludoros put in isolation

Since Saturday 01/10 the members of the RO CCF Damianos Bolanos and George Poludoros are in isolation because they complained about the conditions of detention in prisons of Nafplio (where they were transferred yesterday) and refused to enter their cells. In the beginning, they took them to isolation division as this part, due to a lack of space, it had been transformed a “regular” prison wing; however, few new prisoners were accepted afterwards.  When the comrades refused to accept these conditions of detention, the answer was: one week in isolation.

No hostage in hands of the state
Anyone who forgets the POWs forgets the war itself
Hands off our comrades
In solidarity Allilegguoi/Allileggues



On the reason of the events
with guards
Christo Kliari and Vangelis Kontopouli
in prison Domokos
with two members of
Anarchist Revolutionary Organization
Conspiracy of Cells of Fire
Gerasimos Tsakalos and Panagiotis Argyros.
Departure W ith buses from Athens, 11 a.m. polytechnic university
Departure With buses from Thessaloniki, 10 a.m. polytechnic-university
IN SOLIDARITY Allileguoi/Allilegues

Today 25  september 11 was solidarity gathering outside the prison Domokos  more than 130 comrades took plase to the call demo  against guards Christos  Kliaris  and Vangelis Kontopoulis  with conect to the  two members of the Revolutionary Anarchist Organisation CONSPIRACY CELLS OF FIRE Gerasimos Tsakalos and Panagiotis Argyrou.

The gathering lasted about half an hour. Shouting strong slogans and microphone spekers.
At the beginning of th gathering spoke through the microphone the both comrades  from inside  Panagiotis Argyrou  and Gerasimos Tsakalos. Then took  plase speaking  Ilias  Karantouman.

Below are the recorded messages to.
from   Panagiotis Argyrou,Gerasimos Tsakalos, and Ilias  Karantouman intact.


Thessaloniki: Responsibility claim for arson attack against ATEbank, in solidarity with CCF members Gerasimos Tsakalos and Panagiotis Argirou

We more or less know the facts. On Monday, September 12th, comrades Gerasimos Tsakalos and Panagiotis Argirou after having been transferred to Koridallos prisons for a formal council were transferred back to Domokos prisons. Both refused to undergo the humiliation of inner-body search, and were violently attacked there by humanguards with torturer Kliaris as leader.
Statists use any of their available mechanisms to exterminate people who have struggled with dignity, and continue to struggle dignified behind prison walls; people who were, are and will always be REVOLUTIONARIES.

The instigators and perpetrators of this attack should know that the comrades are undismayed, and that these actions will only make matters worse for them. The hostilities continue.
Thus, on September 19th, we attacked Agrotiki bank in Papafi Street in the district of Toumpa with an incendiary device which consisted of four litres of flammable mixture and three camping-gas cannisters, so as to express our solidarity with the two comrades but also as a minimum response to those who are always ready to attack anyone who struggles.
Strength to the members of the R.O. CCF Gerasimos Tsakalos and Panagiotis Argirou, and all political prisoners

Insubordinate Cells of Solidarity / International Revolutionary Front /
Informal Anarchist Federation

CARI-PGG communiqué for state police car bombing in Mexico


From Culmine (September 19, 2011):


Personally, one of the things that shocks me about people who call themselves “pacifists” is their lack of coherence, or their ignorance, or their stupidity (or all those things combined). They talk about peace and pay taxes, finding it normal that those taxes fund military and police institutions. These pacifists are also governed by political parties that, in their agendas/programs, use violence (that is, accepted and democratized violence) to settle conflicts. . . .
How can there still be fucking pacifists in this century, when violence is everywhere?
Compa Gabriel in his Diary*

Armed and Determined to confront the enemy in the face of any eventuality, a CARI-PGG cell left a delayed explosive device under an ASE (State Security Agency) state police patrol car in the early hours of September 17. The vehicle was located just a few meters from the state police precinct on Avenida Texcoco on the outskirts of Ciudad Nezahualcóyotl in the borough of Iztapalapa, Mexico City. We strongly hoped that, in addition to causing material damage, we would shatter the legs of some of those torturers of Humans and Animals, as a bit of revolutionary justice.
Why the ASE? The ASE, like any other police institution, directly protects Capital and the State. It’s they that threaten our individuality and freedom. State police agents are known for the brutality with which they go about defending and protecting the citizenry. Through their counterinsurgency operations (e.g., Atenco in 2006), they are responsible for the deaths of comrades and direct abuses against subversive men and women. They protect the death camps called Prisons, and they are responsible for putting down prison revolts and then passing off that suppression in the guise of simple narcotics searches. They also guard the prisons known as psychiatric hospitals.
Occasionally, they have clearly demonstrated their feelings of power, inferiority, and absolute authority by torturing animals just for fun (e.g., the incident involving a dog hung from a flagpole in Ciudad Nezahualcóyotl), and in the past they have been attacked by other groups for the same reasons regarding animals. Such incidents show that they enjoy their job and are in no way honest, misguided workers, as many still claim in their defense. This is all reflected in the way they act and think, especially regarding the suffocation or repression of any attempt at rebellion, as minimal as those may be in the State of Mexico.
These insolent police unscrupulously abuse and torture, and we will doubtless be teaching them a good lesson directly on future occasions. For now, they’d better look under their patrol cars if they don’t want to end up being blown to bits. This is black terror in response to their police terror.
This action, among others carried out in Mexico against the state police, was not reported in the mass media, which proves their complicity.
We don’t need their propaganda or their endorsement.
We aren’t defenders of anything or anyone but ourselves. We express solidarity and through this action declare ourselves individuals at war with the existent.

We stand in solidarity with the comrade prisoners of war from the Fire Cells Conspiracy in Greece.
We stand in solidarity with Tortuga in Chile and comrade Braulio Durán in Mexico.
We stand in solidarity with Tamara in Barcelona and José López in Madrid, who was recently arrested and charged with carrying out 32 attacks.
Solidarity is our weapon because this War is international.
Forward, comrades, with international anarchist coordination!

—Práxedis G. Guerrero Autonomous Cells for Immediate Revolution, Mexico

*Gabriel Pombo Da Silva, Diario e ideario de un delincuente (Madrid: Klinamen, 2006), 146

IAF/IRF cell torches private security vehicle in Buenos Aires

From Culmine (September 22, 2011):

Via this communiqué, we claim responsibility for torching a Buenos Aires Protection private security vehicle early last Monday at the intersection of Avenida La Plata and Avenida Garay, right in the middle of the Boedo neighborhood.
Buenos Aires Protection does surveillance work, instigated and approved by police society. Among its employees are personnel from the different armed forces, either active-duty or recycled from the era of the last military dictatorship.
Its mission consists of guarding domestic and foreign businesspeople, blowhard “artists,” public and diplomatic functionaries, and bourgeois hotels, restaurants, and businesses—in total, a wide variety of pure shit.
But its miserable work isn’t limited to that. It is also authorized to intervene in cases of the existence of threats to “public safety,” sounding the requisite alarm in the process.
We thus decided to remind them that they will be treated like what they are: enemies in the service of authority, mercenaries without the smallest drop of dignity. The same goes for young people who, using the excuse of wanting easy, well-paid work, take jobs with these kinds of companies.
There are no valid excuses or justifications for working in the capacity of police. There is only the thirst for authority, to experience the morbid pleasure of controlling and torturing those who oppose you.
Given the kind of reality one experiences in this region—streets inundated with surveillance cameras; the gendarmerie, prefecture, federal police, and Buenos Aires police controlling, subjugating, torturing, and murdering—to take the position and play the role of good citizen or victim of oppression is inexcusable.
These are times of attack.
The vehicle was completely destroyed, and that made us happy since we also thought of this action as a gesture of solidarity with comrades who are currently in prison. May they rejoice upon seeing that the struggle is continuing all over the world. To comrade Tamara in Spain, recently sentenced to eight years in prison for sending a letter-bomb to that country’s director of prisons. To the Fire Cells Conspiracy comrades, who don’t lower their heads and who continue to foster initiatives despite being locked up in Greek death camps. To the captive comrades in Chile, especially those involved in the Bombings Case. And to so many others we think about every day, so many others who aren’t giving in.
To the fugitives. May the clutches of repression never reach your wild, rebellious bodies.
An embrace full of love and complicity for comrade Luciano Pitronello, who will soon be brought to trial despite the delicate state of his health.
May revolutionary vengeance fall on the miscreants who attempt to judge our brothers and sisters. May it also fall on their interests, wherever they may be.

Forward, Anarchists. These are times of war.

—Antagonistic Cell for Complete Freedom (Informal Anarchist Federation/International Revolutionary Front)

Thessaloniki: Responsibility claim for arson attack against ATEbank, in solidarity with CCF members Gerasimos Tsakalos and Panagiotis Argirou

We more or less know the facts. On Monday, September 12th, comrades Gerasimos Tsakalos and Panagiotis Argirou after having been transferred to Koridallos prisons for a formal council were transferred back to Domokos prisons. Both refused to undergo the humiliation of inner-body search, and were violently attacked there by humanguards with torturer Kliaris as leader.
Statists use any of their available mechanisms to exterminate people who have struggled with dignity, and continue to struggle dignified behind prison walls; people who were, are and will always be REVOLUTIONARIES.
The instigators and perpetrators of this attack should know that the comrades are undismayed, and that these actions will only make matters worse for them. The hostilities continue.
Thus, on September 19th, we attacked Agrotiki bank in Papafi Street in the district of Toumpa with an incendiary device which consisted of four litres of flammable mixture and three camping-gas cannisters, so as to express our solidarity with the two comrades but also as a minimum response to those who are always ready to attack anyone who struggles.
Strength to the members of the R.O. CCF Gerasimos Tsakalos and Panagiotis Argirou, and all political prisoners
Insubordinate Cells of Solidarity / International Revolutionary Front /
Informal Anarchist Federation

read+ And remember we are not separated by anything more than a wall