Milan – ATM Destruction by ‘Revolting Individualists’ (Italy)

325 receives and transmits:

9 November 2011

In the night of 9th November 2011, in Milano (Italy), we smashed 7 bank ATMs.
We decided to attack the banks as they are the symbolic institutions of money, the pillar of today’s alienated and false social relations (work/consume) and of the power relations between the dominant élites and the mass of the exploited.
Crisis or no crisis, it’s the same existence of any economic system that disgusts us, a system that we’re not interested in saving or reforming but only in destroying.
The executives of the financial institutions, closed in their offices, everyday move huge quantities of capital, in order to gain as much profit as possible, not caring about the devastating effects that the projects they finance (wars and weapons, highways, energy plants, high speed trains, security and social control systems and so on) have on entire territories and populations.
This action is dedicated to Luciano Tortuga, Chilean anarchist comrade wounded while he was attacking a bank in Santiago.
Solidarity is not only words! Complicity and solidarity to all the prisoners that resist, and to anybody who fights here as in Chile, Greece, Russia, Belgium, Germany, Indonesia, Spain, Sweden, USA and anywhere else… against any form of oppression!

Riot shouldn’t be just a day of temporary joy but a permanent life condition… to take our lives back in our hands… more attacks against the symbols of State and Capital!

Revolting Individualists

Attacks against vehicles of Lord Mayor & Tory Councillor in Bristol (UK)

From IMC UK:

7 November 2011

Claim of responsibility.
Geoff Gollop, Lord mayor of Bristol and Kevin Quartley, a Tory councillor had their cars torched outside their homes on November 7th.
This is the fire of the ghetto delivered to their door and a taste of what the right wing filth deserve. When the people lose their fear, the capitalists panic.
Get your hands off the students and workers demonstrations.

We can strike you any time we wish.
Class Terror/FAI

Barcelona: Anti-election attacks claimed by Anti-authoritarian Insurgency of Action / FAI (Catalunya-Spain)

November 23rd, 2011
November 17-20, 2011Coordinated actions by Anti-authoritarian Insurgency of Action / Informal Anarchist Federation
– translated by war on society:
We always ask ourselves why in the Spanish state the strategy of a unified international federation has not been proposed. Instead of waiting and continuing to ask questions, we offer a small step.
After about one year of small anonymous actions of sabotages, failures, and small victories, we have decided to contemplate Anarchy from another perspective, thus we have made the decision to form part of the Informal Anarchist Federation and of the International Revolutionary Front. We want to experiment with the feeling that comes with adhering to this project, to study new forms of understanding Chaos* and participate in all fields of struggle. Anarchism is a movement of liberation, a weapon of struggle, a form of life and/or action, or at least many understand it as such. We want to have an opportunity to have a crucial role in the social war and beginning with the daily practice, we will be steadfast. Likewise, we intend to ‘open the can’ or raise from self-criticism new forms of direct action and animate informal, horizontal and combative organization. We believe in anti-authoritarianism, in chaos and in a strong anarchist praxis, likewise the constant reproduction of sabotages, boycotts and attacks that trouble and could undermine capital’s projects and capital itself. Also in this form of struggle we opt for and accept the direct attack against Nazi-fascism; in the struggle against authority and against the system, the powerful attack against Nazi-fascism is another front, and the direct and from-behind struggle to crush those who believe themselves racially or politically superior to the rest is fundamental. We seek the creation of a continual situation of tension and conflictuality against power.
“In the face of a system of control and domination, only the combative struggle can prevail”
We understand attacks and the destruction of the social order as a very valid and decisive tool, however, we do not make it a revolutionary dogma nor a fetishism, and depending on the situation its application, reproduction and deployment can vary. Following reflection, thought and analysis, we believe that in attacks a certain quality is required, in effect, without leaving the quantitative aside.
We consider it clear that the qualitative is essential, we must look to harm the system and its functioning at the root; that is, for example seeking some way of striking the consumption of commodities such as the attack on WalMart in Mexico, sabotaging an election day and making its normal functioning impossible, destroying the machines and possessions of some despot, and aggressions and direct attacks that provoke true fear in those responsible for governmental terror. Also it can be very effective to saturate the metropolitan media with subversive propaganda or propaganda in solidarity with imprisoned comrades. Actions and attacks against capitalism as an effective MEDIUM.
“But it is interesting to ask oneself if now, little by little we are learning from our past, little by little we are widening our dream of an Informal Anarchist Federation / International Revolutionary Front. If now our affinities in the Iberian Peninsula will also remain in the medium of anonymous crowds, or on the contrary will join the revolutionary effort.”Gabriel Pombo da Silva
In the Spanish state (may its flag burn!) we have experienced harsh periods of repression, since armed groups and resistance in the 70s and 90s were very forceful, the system and the state became especially repressive against any organized dissent and any insurgent cell. The prisons and the prison system are especially repressive and the conditions of the prisoners (and more so of political prisoners) are bad, very bad. Thus it is understandable that up to this moment actions have been anonymous. However, in the face of new political situations and new revolutionary processes, some have seen the necessity of forming part of a common project, of extending the revolutionary family through more horizons and raising their fists against the old dogmas, seeking new fronts and trying to operate as an antagonist cell. Gabriel Pombo da Silva (a salute to him) is right, from our own experiences we must continue searching, studying and acting to aggrandize our experience and the wounds against the new phases of capitalism each time more and more monopolistic. That is, to join the revolutionary effort. However, the FAI/IRF is an option for anyone who wants it, for anyone who wants to use that medium as a tool of struggle and how to approach other comrades who unfortunately live farther away.

“To defend oneself by saying that the political context in the place one lives is not adequate for the struggle, is just an excuse for not breaking the tranquility of the everyday.”
Silvia Guerini
It is easy to be a mere spectator of the social war from the computer screen, but just because it is easy does not mean it is valid. We believe that not everything depends on the context and the situation, like something external that floats in the air. Situations are made by us, by creating for ourselves, working hard and creating our own projects, being protagonists of the social war and having an active role, being the protagonists of our own reality and struggle. The ecological problems and what creates them–nanotechnology and biotechnology–not to combat them only, but exactly the contrary. It is necessary to create spaces of practice and counterpower for escaping from the established, but above all if these have a direct role against the state and the view it creates, a role destructive of the hypertechnological system. Ground work is indispensable, as is participation in social struggles and involving oneself in many causes, but always recognizing the root problem and seeking its total destruction. If we do not hurry in the creation of a consolidated and strong resistance, an active opposition, within a few years we will be obliged to give thanks to work entire days in the trenches until the age of 67. Thus, from now on we associate ourselves in the Informal Anarchist Federation and the revolutionary front as a way and contribution to expanding the federation and the development of the true revolutionary movement (either as part of the federation and the front, or in autonomous and anonymous groups).
“This is what has happened, what we have. If anything scares us it is the return to normality, because in the streets in the actions, the expropriations, etc, in our cities of light and death, we do not see only the consequences of our rage, but rather attempts to be able to live again. We have nothing to do but turn it into a living reality, to halt the field of everyday life, our power to materialize our desires, our power to not contemplate but rather transform the real–that is our vital space, everything else is dead.”
“Those who want to understand will understand, now is the moment to shatter our invisible cages and to transform our small and pathetic lives.”
We escape from the networks and structures of capital created by sociopaths, we escape from the substitution of the social networks that make us avoid ourselves for a better world in which we only speak with the wall, developing the cancer that presupposes [also entails, signifies – transl] appearances, and we do not want to appear [as in to seem, to feign – transl] but rather to attack. We unite with the insurgents. That it’s no use from the start, the critique of this–our actions and struggle–does not have a political expression, our struggle is our political expression.
Our struggle is the only thing we have. We are not for making a fool of anyone, we are precarious youth at war against domination.
To part with the appointed times: we consider that during and after an action or demonstration a series of things happen; first we gain–that is, we achieve the objective thereby concretely sabotaging the objective, and then we lose since we return to adhering to spectacular normality, we abandon the subversive role and we go on to exist within the networks again; thus and so far as it is possible, actions should go on extending themselves, perpetuating themselves and making themselves daily and habitual until–together with words, solidarity and every type of anarchist practice–they can create some subversive social fabrics and some strong bases of counterpower.
We did not want these words to just be dead words.
Coordinated actions:
Mailing of envelopes that simulated explosive letters:
On November 17th and 18th, two envelopes that simulated explosive letters we sent to the headquarters of the PSC and the PPC in Barcelona.[1] The same day of the 18th, notes were left at the door of both headquarters reading: “The domination, abuses, terror and control do not go unnoticed; expressions of rage will not be mere simulations next time. Death to capital and the politicians. Long live anarchy.”
Barcelona, November 20th, 2011:
In the late night to early hours of November 19th-20th, the locks of 15 polling stations were sealed, some cameras located in the same centers were obscured and attacked. Later, at 1:30am, the street was blockaded at Av. Meridiana and Ruben Dario (around #460), later at 2:15-2:30 the street was blockaded between Claramunt and Serós.

On November 20th, 12:30pm, Barcelona: bomb threat in the city of (in)justice.
On November 20th, 7:50pm, Badalona: bomb threat to the courthouse of Badalona.
On November 20th, no one votes, active abstention, They do not represent us!

Anti-authoritarian Insurgency of Action / Informal Anarchist Federation

For the comrades of other countries who don’t understand:

1. PPC and PSC are the Cataluña branches of the (un)Popular Party and the P$OE — parties that represent in the $tate the major political forces enacting and coordinating cuts and privatizations.
* Translation notes: The Spanish language, in addition to ‘anarchism’ and ‘anarchy,’ has a third related term–acracia–which can be translated as anarchy. It has the most apolitical connotation of the three, so we translate it here as ‘chaos.’ We generally translated its adjective form as ‘anarchic.’

Solidarity with CCF from Russia


Solidarity with CCF from Russia

A society, which you find around yourself when you became a kind of conscious individual, should damage you by a great multitude of disgusting injustice which inherent in its very structure. It appears in everything: social institutions, interpersonal mutual relations, imposed pseudo-values and even in patterns of thinking and feeling. All these yawning sores are poisoning every day of our existence. It seems, these hidden bitterness and disappointment are the main reasons why individual comes to an anarchist belief. Anarchist world-view is an attempt to abolish all the constructs, which built in a human world but hostile to a very human nature. To abolish – and to create on the ruins new society of freedom. Anarchist movement is a community of people which aim their thoughts and actions on realization of a liberation idea.
So it has turned out, in last decades anarchist movement, despite all declarations, seems to abandon its main goal. Decadence, cynicism, passivity, doom and squabbles has been enthroned in our ranks. But the fresh wind has suddenly blown. Hearts, that disobedient to the mainstream, has refused to accept the despair of modern world and of that “movement”, which was supposed to change it. And that was the moment, when there were born a mixed current, which is marked as an insurrectionary anarchism.
In Russia insurrectionary anarchist tendency for the first time has declared itself a few years ago. Understanding of the hopelessness of previous anarchist tactics in social movements, murders of our comrades by fascists with the connivance of the state and, of course, fires of December uprising in Greece – that was the coincidence of circumstances that has enlightened the path of struggle which we confidently trail today.
We want to underline that at all imperfection of tactics (as though there are perfect tactics!) and all the mistakes that unavoidable on our way, an insurrectionary current has a great meaning for modern anarchism. This sense is not in “violence” about which preach police, media and toy “revolutionaries”. This sense is in the rupture with stinking ruling order. In fighting enthusiasm of immediate revolution, when attack on the system and creating of the new are merging in the one whirlwind. No more we want to put off our struggle and life. We live and fight today. And this is the only approach which makes a chance for victory. The breath of fresh air for the great idea which seemed was ready to fade away – that is the very meaning and merit of insurrectionary anarchism.
And it is completely not casual; world powers have put anarchists from «Conspiracy of Cells of Fire» (CCF) in the same row with Islamites in lists of terrorists. Terrorism is a favorite bugbear of all bloody dollar dictators. It is most likely, that soon we will see anarchists as “public enemy number one”, because unlike religious fanatics, we have dared to challenge the root of present order – private property and social hierarchy.
Actions of Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, as well as of many other comrades from Greece and worldwide, always have inspirited us and fulfilled us with feeling of unity and hope on victory. So in spite of certain ideological differences (we don’t share “nihilism” of CCF and, being insurrectionary anarcho-communists, we aspire to rise a people to rebellion) we express our solidarity with imprisoned comrades and send them our warm revolutionary greetings. Freedom for all immediately!
We will win!
Long live anarchy!

BlackBlocg Collective, Russia

Two members of C.C.F. s are in isolation.

Two members of C.C.F. s are in isolation.

On 11/11 the disciplinary transfers of comrades-members of C.C.F. Giorgos Polydoros and Damiano Bolano. Obviously, the timing is not accidental, since the probability of upcoming mobilisations is festering in the prison society, because of the increased cuts on items of basic needs.

Comrade G.Polydoros was taken to Halkida prisons. There remaining consistent with his dignity he denied the humiliating strip search the people-guards wanted to apply and right now he is in isolation (for the fourth time in the 7 months that he has been imprisoned).

Comrade D.Bolano was taken to Trikala prisons, where is also the comrade-member of C.C.F. Haris Hadjimihelakis. The two comrades demanded the obvious, to be in the same wing. At that moment their demand was not accepted and Damiano denied to enter any other wing resulting in him being taken temporarily (according to what the service said) to isolation.

Naturally, the two comrades are not going to sit with their fingers crossed… The publicizing of the conditions of the imprisoned members of C.C.F. is simply the first step of a move. A move that hovers above the heads of those in charge of the “correction



In solidarity for the case of the R.O. C.C.F.

al system” like an axe going around… and around….and a


The new mailing addresses for  Polydoras, and Bolano are:

Giorgos Polydoras
Kleisti Filaki Halkidas
34100 Halkida
Damiano Bolano
Kleisti Filakon Trikalon
TK42100 Trikala

Chile: FAI claims explosive attack on Banco Estado

from culmine, translated by war on society:


In the morning of November 9th, we attacked the BancoEstado branch at Avenida J.M. highway #9632, Santiago, Chile.
Armed with 2 canisters of butane gas and 2 liters of gasoline, motor oil, and a beautiful full moon of complicity, we placed it between the ATMs of the branch, lighting it directly there, with the only hope of turning to ash every last paper in those machines.

Strength to fugitive and locked-up comrades everywhere.



Athens- INFO UPDATES FOR Solidarity gathering for The Revolutionary Anarchist P.Masouras 6/11/11-7/11/11

Athens- INFO UPDATES FOR Solidarity gathering for The Revolutionary Anarchist P.Masouras
About 100 people gathered at Thissio station in solidarity to P.Masouras (sentenced in the C.C.F. (xalandri case) whose application for the appeal of his sentence.
The hearing is on Monday 7/11.

…The hearing of the appeal application was postponed until December 7th.
The reason? The decision of the court has not been clean written (although it should have).
As if the prisoner is to blame for this.
The fact that the decision has not been clean written is suffice to postpone the release application.
There was no such problem when they had to move the comrade to prison.
Down with the state
Solidarity to the hostages of democracy.


”But while the future approaches, pregnant with the events that are still to come to light, my pen whispers between the cold walls of this cold concrete tomb, built on our cold conscience. Whispers that make your hair stand on end and before which I also feel cold, a moral and human chill…
I won’t let them kill my feelings or my opinions, or quell my cries or my child-like sentiments, nor the freedom that I feel pounding inside me. I won’t permit them to imprison my values with lies: they constitute the salt of my existence, my nourishment. I am not a whimper: I am a battle cry from the interminable night of the darkness of prison.”
(words of Xosé Tarrío González, in his Epilogue to HUYE, HOMBRE, HUYE, translated by Jayne K)
Sunday November 6th, Thisio station, 13.00 pm Athens
The day the application of bail for P.Masouras will be heard
Monday November 7th, Appeals court, 9.00am Athens
translate by Actforfreedomnow!

Mexico: Incendiary attacks against armored trucks in Mexico City


from culmine, translated by war on society (an accidental redundant translation; an alternative can be found at thisisourjob):

The news of anarchist warrior Luciano Pitronello’s fall in action thousands of miles away, the sentencing of comrade Tamara in Spain, and the isolation of our brother in struggle Gabriel Pombo da Silva and of our Greek comrades Argyrou Panagiotis, Nikolopoulos Mihalis, Nikolopoulos Giorgos, Tsakalos Gerasimos, Tsakalos Hristos, Polydoros Giorgos, Bolano Damianos, Hadzimihelakis Haris and Ikonomidou Olga of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, revived our insurrectionalist conscience.
We decided to raise ourselves to the call of the CCF and take to the streets to illuminate our struggle with fire, from the example of the imprisoned comrades who did not limit themselves to words and curses against social peace and took into their hands the decision to break the system of domination. Though we fall captive or dead, the anarchist struggle continues forward with new comrades.
The day of October 13, at 3am we attacked capital, burning Servicio Panamericano’s armored money transport trucks at Calle Olimpo and San Francisco in La Martinica colonia, destroying their dirty property.
Today, November 5th in the morning we returned to attack once again with anarchist fire, turning their filthy money into smoke in clear daylight, burning another armored money transport truck, this time owned by the company Grumer (Murcurio group) at Avenida Castorena in Jesus del Monte colonia in Culajimalpa delegacion in Mexico City, paralyzing their social Friday.
Surely the capitalist prosecutor Miguel Mancera, following the leftist strategy of the pederrista Marcelo Ebrad, will try to cover up the attacks and continue to lie in order to silence everything that indicates the insurrectional anarchist offensive in his guardian city, covering up information and distorting the facts so that all the anarchist attacks become INEXPLICABLE SHORT CIRCUITS.

Chaos has returned for all who thought she had died
Direct solidarity with our brother Gabriel Pombo!
Direct solidarity with warrior Tortuga!
Direct solidarity with comrade Tamara!
Direct solidarity with all anarchist prisoners in Mexico, Chile, Greece, Italy, the United States, Switzerland and the world!
Against all domination!

Fire and anarchy!
Insurrectional Cell – Mariano Sanchez Añon (CI-MSA) faction of the Informal Anarchist Federation of Mexico (FAI-M).
Mexico, 5th November 2011

Squalid transfer conditions for comrade Charis Chatzimichelakis imprisoned member of R.O. C.C.F due to health issues

Squalid transfer conditions for comrade Charis Chatzimichelakis imprisoned member of R.O. C.C.F due to health issues (Greece)
When fear becomes revenge

Over many months (since around March 2010) Charis Chatzimichelakis, imprisoned member of R.O. C.C.F is suffering from a health problem that however much he has tried, it cannot be treated!
More precisely he has shown something that looks like (!) a subcutaneous cyst on his scalp. This is diagnosed at the dermatological department ofSigrou AthensHospital. Of course, this was diagnosed following four visits to this hospital, as during the three first visits he was treated wrongly because of the indifference showed by both dermatologists in the hospital and the corresponding doctor in Koridallos.
The indifference however for the health of prisoners does not stop within the prison walls. The doctors ofSigrouHospitaleasily accepted the instructions of the marshals to do the examination and treatment while the prisoner was tied with handcuffs. Only after his denial at his first visit to be examined under these conditions, they were forced to subside. Finally after few months of suffering in Koridallos, not even an accurate and complete diagnosis was made and his transfer in closed Trikala prison took place.
But the criminal negligence of prison employees does not end here. In Trikala prison Charis Chatzimichelakis tried once again to settle his health issue. So having managed after 2 weeks (!) to see the only doctor who is responsible for about 650 prisoners, his transfer to a local hospital was decided. A transfer that never took place; and in the guise of a insufficient escort and poor security, police (based on a document issued by the ministry of justice) concluded that the prisoner should be transported in handcuffs, although within a specific secure transfer vehicle transfers.
Of course the prisoner refused to be transferred under this unacceptable condition, not only for reasons of dignity, but also because this is extremely dangerous because with the slightest bump, the detainee is likely to crash his head.
Let the people in charge finally understand that prisoners have their dignity that they intend to preserve. And they should consider their next moves, because prisons are like a boiling cauldron and these squalid living conditions also the health care, only make things worse.

translate by” kim”/Actforfreedomnow!

Joint declaration of the insurrectional anarchist and eco-anarchist groups of Mexico

from culmine, translated by war on society:

To the anarchist comrades of Mexico and of the world,
To the arsonists and antagonists in affinity of Mexico and of the world,
To the arsonists and antagonists in affinity everywhere:
Greetings, imprisoned brothers and sisters in Mexico, Germany, Argentina, Chile, Spain, United States, Greece, Italy, England, Switzerland, and the world!
Greetings to all who fight for Total Liberation!

On very few occasions, we have been obliged to release joint statements or communiques, and the rare times that we have done so it has been as internal circulation to socialize and discuss themes of interest or to elaborate critique from our experience of struggle, or to address and resolve discrepancies, and to manifest the informal coordination of our actions. Likewise, for some time we have preferred to avoid declarations and generic claims that can signal or incriminate comrades who develop from anarchism another method of struggle and perform different tasks openly, away from the direct confrontation that we have taken up. However, there are exceptions when specific conditions and particular situations arise, issues and problems that demand a public statement, a communique, a call. This is one of those exceptions, and what now we make is, precisely, a call.

Year by year, from insurrectional and eco-anarchist approaches and from the coordination of actions, we have appealed to overcome entrenched strategies that only contribute to immobilization and foment the spectacle manipulated by the media of mass alienation. We have been strong critics (consistent with our theoretical and practical approaches) of the lamentable simulacrum to which those who insist on the innocuous marches and pink-disguised-as-black protests reduce the struggle. We believe that the struggle, the social war against the system of domination, against its defenders, its representatives and lackeys, requires antagonistic creativity and the constant search for new forms of confrontation. Every October 2nd, we insist that it is a day that we (by fighting) commemorate the students who fell in the massacre of the Plaza de Tlatelolco, but that it is another day in the calendar of accounts to vindicate in everyday struggle, in permanent conflictuality, in daily combat of social war. We recognize struggle in the streets as one of the many creative forms of confrontation, but when we speak of struggle in the streets we cannot resort to that reduction of the term to permitted and policed marches where the route is assigned in advance and good behavior is required, imposed by those same march “comrades,” by the “revolutionary” police ready to accuse us as “provocateurs” and “thugs” upon the least intention of straying from the script. What we understand as struggle in the streets is what the comrades develop in Chile and Greece, or the furious revolts unleashed in Albania, Egypt, England and Syria, where they made a leap into struggle absolutely irrecuperable by the institutional forces of power, overwhelming civil protest and expropriating the armories of the police stations, attacking the repressive bodies, destroying the symbols of capital and the State and burning everything in their path.
That is the struggle in the streets, and if the opportunity presents itself, anarchists should always be present to extend the revolt, increase the rage against domination and transform it into generalized insurrection. Anarchy is realized in each attack against domination. Nevertheless, against this evidence the immobilists always argue the shortcomings, the lack of “revolutionary maturation,” the absence of “objective and subjective conditions,” in order to continue with the spectacle and the simulacrum that allows them to feed the pose of the “revolutionary” by uploading photos to the social networking sites wielding the black flag, waving the banner, or sharing air face to face with the pigs.

Was, then, the antagonist movement “ripe” under a totalitarian regime like that which reigned in Syria? Was it ripe in Albania? In Egypt? Were the “objective and subjective” conditions provided in the orderly and well-guarded city of London? Perhaps they are provided in Chile? No, comrades. It was definitively the rage, both individual and collective, the rebellious will, the antagonistic vocation, which made the difference. On multiple occasions we have appealed, from different notices, to abandon the marches, protests and sit-ins to make way for other forms of struggle, to intensify the attack, to increase antagonism and extend the social war, demonstrating that it is possible, here and now, to go on the insurrectional offensive. We have done it not from the posture of the vanguard nor from the single organization nor from tactical unity; we have done it from the informal coordination of struggles, from the absolute autonomy of groups, from the combative individuality, encouraging the formation of nuclei, cells, collectives, affinity groups, coordinations, alliances, multiform and diverse configurations which advocate from their own structures or from individuality, permanent conflict, direct confrontation, social war without quarter and without truce. However, today we do not call for the abandonment of the marches for the same reasons as always, although we have not changed our reading of struggles.

Today we call to not participate in the march on the coming October 2nd because the most brutal repression against the anarchist movement of Mexico is being prepared. We call to not participate because at the very moment in which we write this call, the greatest frame-up against anarchism in memory is being forged. And this sinister operation is being forged in the logistics sector of the Secretary of Public Security of Mexico City (Distrito Federal) and Mexico City Government’s offices of “connection,” in complicity with leaders of the student movement and the so-called popular movement, today at the service of the “progressive and democratic left” that robs, represses and imprisons under the slogan “the poor first,” while it builds the government of “hope.” This repressive trick is joined by (as always) the Stalinists, who prepare to “clean the streets of anarchists” and “blow them off the map” by means of the eviction of spaces won during prolonged struggles.  We know that they have names and addresses of comrades who do not have the least connection with our actions nor have relation with our organic configurations, however, in their minds and in their vertical conceptions, they identify them as “leaders” of anarchism. For those of us who chose, from firm anarchist convictions, the path of attack and the frontal struggle, this new frame-up does not take us by surprise.

We have been awaiting it for the past two years. We study and we follow with attention the frame-ups and operations instrumented, with similar strategy, in Chile and Greece, against our companions in cause. We carefully read and analyze all the contributions of their struggles and we take note of their experience. And we learn from the struggles. As the comrades of the Hommodolars Collective of Chile underlined, for those who fight for the destruction of the system of domination and for total liberation, not only is our enemy capital and the State but “it is also those who try to neutralize those who aim at those present themselves as the ‘line’ to follow.” Recently the Stalinists “demonstrate their ‘function’ within the spectrum of… the left? The function clearly of hegemonizing struggles, controlling them and instrumentalizing them.” And they warn us “beware the cops (pigs) in red, their youth and the line they would impose on those forces that fight today.” In the same article, they reproduce a communique from a political organization with which obviously neither the comrades of Hommodolars nor ourselves identify, with their populist and leftists positions, nevertheless, in it they denounce the aggression suffered at the hands of the Stalinists openly at the service of the governmental oligarchy: “students and people broke into the headquarters of the so-called communist party of Chile with the aim of holding a meeting with its board and demanding public apology for its remarks made about our occupation of MINEDUC and UDI, where they insinuated that we were paid by the government to carry out these actions.” And they continue, “To not allow us to interrupt, they met us with close to 70 ‘red pigs’ armed with sticks, knives and brass knuckles. They tried to kick us out of the headquarters, assaulting us brutally… But as we have done each time that the guard dogs of the rich have assaulted the People who struggle, we defended ourselves from the repression, this time from the guard dogs of the rich who say they represent the People. We could give a list of wounded or denounce the brutality exercised against us, but we will not do so because we are not victims and we vindicate each blow that we receive, we returned and will return to our defense and tot he defense of the Struggle…” ( This deed obliges us to attune ourselves to the frequency of the recent attacks and slanders directed against anarchist comrades accused of being “paid” by known “red” postures, with the end of creating doubt inside the movement, of increasing divisions between different tendencies of the anarchist struggle and to put known comrades under the spotlight, damaging anarchism before the next attack.

We know that not all who call themselves anarchists (unfortunately) share the same methods nor operate at the same times, but it seems indispensable to us to pause and reflect together in the face of what lies before us. We must be aware that those who are captured by the repressive forces and identified as anarchists will be subjected to the most brutal physical and psychological torture in search of information. They will want these to supply them with names of comrades supposedly involves in direct actions and acts of propaganda by the deed. Those who choose at cost and risk to participate in the march must do so responsibly, without carrying in their backpacks any type of propaganda that identifies them as anarchist, they must not carry arms nor items that can be associated with materials for the construction of explosives or incendiary devices. Nor should they carry agendas, phone numbers or cell phones and if they do, they should take the precaution of wiping the directory and memory or, preferably, buying a new chip and leaving the other in safety.

In the present circumstances it is highly recommended to read another text made by a Chilean libertarian autonomous group with certain insurrectionalist affinity, likewise at Hommodolars (, also available in the paper Reflexión/Revuelta ( This text, entitled “Reflections and advice of solidarity for the security of revolutionary action,” collects (beyond whatever theoretical discrepancies) a primer on how to minimize the possibilities of falling into the hands of the enemy and how to maximize our capacity of action in a secure and responsible manner. In this document is a specific section that addresses in great detail the process of infiltration on the part of intelligence and counterintelligence and how these operate in the universities, squats, alternative meeting centers, organizations, etc., and explains the old method of infiltration by bridge, “in which a space, group or objective of minor interest is infiltrated to reach another of greater interest that may be more complex to infiltrate. Some infiltrators can even ‘make a career’ in a space or group of interest, as happened in Chile within the armed organizations” (emphasis added).

As a general rule, open alternative spaces that do not require processes of reference and cross-reference for participation or to incorporate oneself in the initiative (squats, social centers, prisoner support groups, communication media, workshops, community gardens, neighborhood associations, broad platform solidarity campaigns, or multisectoral coordinations) are susceptible to this type of infiltration, for “making a career” and “crossing the bridge” toward the final objective. Comrades: if you insist on taking the street this October 2nd, let us do so in a coordinated manner, showing our teeth and unleashing the struggle in the streets favoring confrontation and destroying all the symbols of domination. Let us go, then, ready for unprecedented frontal combat. Let us prepare everything needed to secure a certain response. But, even with every preparation, we would have all the repressive machinery expecting us and in the rearguard we would be at the mercy of the Stalinist thugs. So let’s be creative, let us allow our imaginations to fly and let us undertake the frontal struggle against the system of domination with a minimum of risk and causing a maximum of damage. We do not have to limit ourselves to participating in the march, securing victory for the enemy from beforehand. Let us bring back the night and make it our accomplice. Let the gunpowder blast, the gasoline burn, the centers of power burst, let us fire everything that burns, destroy the symbols of domination, tear down the ivory towers, demolish every wall.

Strength, comrades incarcerated for the “Bombs case”!
Strength, imprisoned comrades of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire!
Strength, comrade Tortugo!
Strength, comrade Tamara! Strength, comrade Gabriel!
Against the technological system of domination!
For the demolition of the prisons!
For the destruction of everything that dominates us!
For Total Liberation!
For international anarchist coordination!
For Anarchy!
May it light up the night!

*Anonymous Anarchist Action/Informal Anarchist Federation (AAA/FAI)
*Revolutionary Action Brigades for Propaganda by the Deed and Armed Action  Simón Radowitzky (BARPHAA-SR)
*Autonomous Cells for Immediate Revolution – Praxedis Guerrero/Informal Anarchist Federation (CARI-PG/FAI)
*Informal Anarchist Revolutionary Cell/Informal Anarchist Federation (CRIA/FAI)
*Terrorist Column of the Revolutionaries in Black (CTRN)
*Former members of the Eco-anarchist Cell for the Direct Attack (CEAD)
*Informal Anarchist Federation Mexico City (FAI-DF)
*Earth Liberation Front (FLT)
*Free, Dangerous, Savage and Incendiary Individuals for the Black Plague (ILPSIPN)
*Luddites against the Domestication of Wild Nature (LDNS)
Mexico, Planet Earth. 25th September 2011