FREEDOM! To those accused for participation in the R.O. Conspiracy of Cells of Fire
From Indonesia to Chile…
A proposition for FAI/IRF
We hear the song of fire that comes from far away. The words smell of gunpowder. From the other side of the world rebellious comrades burn the nights and liberate places and moments. we can hear them… They conspire, plan, attack… We do not have to say anything else, we leave our brothers and sisters to speak for us.
“We are all Conspiracy Cells of Fire. C.C.F. is not an organization or just a group. On the contrary it is a antagonistic expression of rage and contempt towards authority and its structures. To spread the C.C.F. all you need is gasoline, matches and the desire to fight for absolute freedom. We have begun the war against the existing order.
Mexican C.C.F./FAI”
The following text is dedicated to the Mexican C.C.F. and to our brothers and sisters of F.A.I. all around the world.
i)The wind blows against… from Indonesia to Chile
These previous months from every corner of the earth more and more explosive messages of fire and gunpowder cross borders and seas reaching us here, in the greek prisons where we are hostage, but not defeated.
Words mix with fire and behind the ashes of banks, government buildings, cop cars, nanotechnology labs, satellite antennas, private security cars and luxury shops, open a promise to friends and a threat to the enemy. They open a live proposition of the Informal Anarchist Federation (F.A.I.). An International Revolutionary Front (I.R.F.) is now organized in Italy, England, Chile, Mexico, Argentina, Russia, Holland, Peru, Bolivia, Indonesia, Australia, Greece…
An idea that started its journey ten years ago from Italy from the brothers and sisters of the Italian F.A.I. and today is stronger than ever. F.A.I. definitely is not a theoretic game of harmless words and symbols, but an idea to live dangerously and anarchically with all our senses, without dead time and cowardly excuses.
Often the texts that come to our hands like the one from the Italian F.A.I., the one from the english comrades of F.A.I. titled “Rain and Fire”, the announcement of the Russian F.A.I., the call of the 11 anarchist organizations from Mexico, and many more, fill us with a weird awkwardness. Its this indescribable joy we feel when individuals and groups who do not know one another reach the same conclusions and feel the same feelings the exact same moment.
This feeling explodes in every word that unlocks the next and draws a common path of revolt. It is one of the few times that we do not have much to say. Most of our points are covered by our comrades. But we don’t want to consume the text in a series of compliments.
We know that we have work to do and a tough path with battles to walk through. Now we want to become even more dangerous, even more substantial, even more anarchist. This is why we write a lot from inside the prisons, because we want to act more.
ii) Doing a “translation” within the translation
Communication is the corner stone of our whole informal structure. We realize every word as a invitation of battle against authority. Every meaning we print on paper, we want to find a way for it to escape from theory and transform into practice. Only in practise are all theoretical values tested. Every word, however, that we use has its own historical origin. Often the same words express different meanings from country to country. The Informal Anarchist Federation (F.A.I.) consists of an international anarchist formation between individuals and cells that speak different languages, but however pursue to express through their actions, their common desire for the anarchist revolution.
This is why the translations of texts and communiques that circulate in the circles of F.A.I. are of great value in order for one to meet the ideas of the other. Often, however, a second “translation” of the translation is necessary in order to explain a few words that have different meanings from place to place.
Here we make a first attempt of this double translation in order to clarify every possible confusion amongst comrades. The first indication, came from our brothers and sisters in Chile when the comrades of the Columnas Antagonicas Incendiarias (antagonistic incendiary columns) promoting the dialogue through action, in a communiqué with which they claimed the responsibility for the arson of the Banco Estado in Santiago, openly expressed their reflections concerning the use of the word revolution and the meaning we as C.C.F. give it.
Their objection is based on the fact that for them usually the meaning of revolution is identified with the generalized popular uprising, that is composed through a sudden conscious awakening of the masses. This revolution is usually invoked by Marxists and few “anarchists” that justify the use of revolutionary violence only when the social conditions will be mature, thus dismissing the meaning of individual insurrection. Therefore, speaking of such a revolution is like speaking in the name of the people, something that intensely reminds the armed vanguards and the Marxist perception, with which we have no relation.
Of course, it is true that we often use the meaning of revolution in our texts considering self-evident that by repeatedly speaking of anarchist anti-socialism, anarcho-individualism, the tension of insurrectionist comrades and aggressive nihilism, it is apprehensible what we mean with its definition. But often the great distances, the lack of translations, as well as the specific use of every word in every place, stresses to us the need to be more clear. We clarify, therefore, that in no way do we feed with illusions of a future vague social awakening from one moment to another, neither of a popular uprising with anarchist characteristics. We have no trust in the masses who with their cowardices and immobility conserve this authoritarian system. This is why we are not only enemies with the state, but also with the social values that support it, vindicate it and reproduce it as a social relation in their interior. Even social protests for better wages, social security, more rights, are mobilizations with an expire date, that lead back to passivity.
We believe that every person individually must become conscious, must realize the crime of the existence of authority, abolish it from their life style and at the same time find comrades to strike the spread out authority of the state. This is why we believe in the anarchist minority struggle and the new anarchist urban guerilla.
Besides, the meaning of revolution on its own does not mean liberation. Lets not forget that the dictatorship of communist parties was established, mainly after revolutions. We do not want any revolution, but an anarchist revolution that will abolish every form of authority. This is why from now on in order to become clear in our texts and our actions we will speak of the anarchist revolution.
Another misunderstanding that often happens has to do with our reference to armed struggle. We know that in some other countries, for example Italy, the meaning of armed struggle refers to past decades and the logic of armed pioneering.
Here we must clarify that in no way do we believe in enlightened vanguards and “revolutionary” guidance. Whatever we do, we do it first of all for ourselves. Through our attacks we communicate with other comrades, spread the anarchist values, strike the system, deny the role of the victim and enjoy our lives through the most wild and liberating of its versions.
Simultaneously, we want to structure the opposing awe, opposite the enemy making clear the existence of a constant civil war between the insubordinates and authority. We seek to terrorize the terrorists and pass on to them the fear of vengeance to their camp, mansions, parliaments, ministries, police stations.
All this offers us a great personal satisfaction. This is why we define ourselves as anarchists-individualists. We do not like any kind of opinion that wants to transform the anarchist revolution from a genuine way of life into a military mission with rules and leaders at the service of the general “well-being” of society. We will not sacrifice ourselves for the “well-being” of a society that often gets kicked by the bosses and says “thank you”. If through our speech and actions, we cause liberating questions and doubts to some other people against the modern way of life, this is good first of all for themselves. It would be a great joy and honour if in their faces we meet future comrades. And if not, we will never, not even for a moment, abandon the battle against authority and our anti-social critique, in order to be liked by most people.
There is, however, one more parameter of the critique towards the use of the term “armed struggle”. A critique that comes mainly from our brothers and sisters of the insurrectionist anarchy. The reference to armed struggle can easily be misunderstood as a monomania, a fetishism of guns, as an informal hierarchy of the means of the anarchist struggle that places armed struggle as the supreme form of action.
We, so much in our speech, as well in as our actions never put the forms of conflict with the system in a hierarchical order. We never believed that an action becomes more or less “anarchic” depending on the percentage of violence it concentrates. Simultaneously, however, we are absolutely against the separations of the traditional “anarchists” who justify and defend a violent action, only when it is expressed en masse in a demonstration, but they undermine and disdain it when it is carried out in the darkness of the night by a determined minority of comrades. As well we never agreed with a stupid separation that is expressed by some “anarchists” in some countries and makes anarchist violence acceptable only when it is turned against a material target, but on the contrary marginalizes and condemns the practise of the execution of an officer that staffs the system, speaking of respect of human life. For us there is no respect for the human life of a cop, a judge, a prosecutor, a journalist or a snitch.
When, therefore, we use the term “armed struggle” essentially we also send a message to those traditional old school anarchists who with their ethology, want to stop the beauty of the wildness of anarchist action and confine it to more calm and mass forms of protest against the system. For us an anarchist comrade can use a pencil and paper up to a kalashnikov and bombs against authority and its civilization.
Obviously, therefore, today we support and promote every action that attacks the system in its own special way. Fly posting, self-organized publications and blogs, militant demonstrations, sabotage, attacks with stones and paint, expropriation of banks, bomb attacks, arson of state and economic targets, executions of officers of authority, is our gear in our arsenal of anarchist practical theory. This is why when we speak of armed struggle, we do not just speak of guns and bullets, but also about all the above and anything that frightens authority and is on the side of the anarchist barricade.
Now the fact that we used the term “armed struggle” at a great degree in order to break the fetishism of low intensity violence that is promoted by the reformist tension of anarchy brings us up against the misapprehension we mentioned previously. This is why because we do not want to be defined by association with the cowardice of some and be like something we are not, from now on we are thinking of replacing the reference to armed struggle either with the explanation of its polymorphy, or with the wider meaning of direct action which includes all we want to do.
from culmine, translated by war on society:
Brothers and sisters, a strong insurrectionalist embrace from across the distance.
We grow… undoubtedly we grow in each moment when we confront the enemies face to face, instances that are daily marked by the liberatory violence that strikes fear into the oppressor. Violence that you have vindicated as a generator of novel moments capable of jeopardizing the security and intelligence systems of power. Today you confront captivity with dignity, always at war with the jailer, betting on the generalization of the insurrection in every corner of the world. We from here, from damned Chile, make ourselves part of the solidarity call, perceiving it as one of the cornerstones of our revolutionary project.
The recognition from your Conspiracy is not the result of this situation, since for years we have come to recognize, really and truly recognize, by means of action — we believe that this is the best form of communication that we have been able to pursue. From attacks we have made on police stations to your attacks on embassies and ministries, we have been given a closeness full of life, projectuality and hatred toward every type of authority. This closeness has been marked also by the complicity in transgressive action, marked also by the innumerable victories that we have had… yes!! Victories. Every realized attack, that hot adrenaline that crosses our bodies before liberation in destructive action, the passion of the same act, the joy and happiness of knowing that for a moment the exploiter saw his world fall, these constitute our triumphs. People like you know of what we speak.
There also are victories in seeing the attacks multiply all over the world, anti-authoritarian attacks that despite the repressive blows remain unscathed, irreducibles being able to fool and continue fooling the enemy; for this and many more reasons we say: MAY THE FAI/FRI LIVE ON.*
We expect that this call for solidarity will materialize in concrete actions, and we will do our part, at any moment we will harden the surface against the powerful in your name, brothers and sisters, for you know that any imprisoned anarchist will be vindicated and avenged wherever they may be found. We continue to move without problems, the repressive blows still fall very far from us.
Our solidarity also goes to the warrior Luciano Pitronello and to the 5 accused in the media-judicial-policial frame-up “caso bombas.” The landslide of this stupid case will be as loud as the collapse of this world.
* translation note: this is a more literal translation of a phrase that we normally translate as “long live…” in slogans.
FROM Translate by sysiphus/Actforfreedomnow!
Comrade Tortuga in prison on remand for 75 days
First, a summary of Luciano’s case
On June 1, 2011, Luciano along with someone else went to the comune of Ñuñoa, in the centre of Santiago of Chile, to place a bomb consisting of a kilo of black powder against a branch of Banco Santander. Both were on a motorbike which had been taken from the apartment where Luciano’s brother lives a few hours before. The bike numberplate had been changed with a fake one stolen a few days before in order to mislead the police. On the night of the attack, Luciano got off the bike to place the bomb, but at this point the accident happened for reasons that are not known: it may be that the timer system did not work correctly or that the bomb had received a sudden knock or that static was the cause of the premature detonation. Luciano spent a week in an induced coma, in the Indisa clinic. He underwent amputation of his right hand and has only two fingers left on his other hand. He also suffered serious burns to the skin and respiratory problems from inhaling the hot air. On August 20, he was discharged from the hospital and went to live at his mother’s house. During this period, Lucian has only been able to receive the visits of his companion, with whom he has a three year old daughter.
Pre-trial detention
Today, November 22, Luciano left his mother’s house at 7:30, aboard an unmarked police car. The hearing for the formalization of the charges began at 9.30 am, at the Septimo Juzgado de Garantía de Santiago. Tortuga was formally charged with “placing an explosive device” and “using a false number plate”, for using a different plate from the original one on the day of the attack.
Tortuga’s defence lawyer stressed that the comrade must undergo weekly treatment and that he still has to have eye surgery, but the judge accepted the request of the Fiscalía Sur (attorney) and the plaintiff, or lawyer of the Ministry … of the Interior. For this reason preventive detention for a period of 75 days has been decreed for Tortuga, ie the period fixed for the preliminary investigations. The place of detention has been fixed as the prison hospital in Santiago 1 prison. In other words, he will remain there until early February.
However, Tortuga’s defence lawyers will be appealing against this decision in the coming days. It should be noted that Luciano is not a “danger to society” (to quote the words used in court), because he is getting used to a prosthesis and is under medical treatment, as well as under constant police persecution. It is impossible for Luciano to be a “danger” therefore.
During the hearing, but outside the courtroom, comrades in solidarity unrolled a banner.
The sentences that have been threatened against our comrade may be doubled due to the fact that he had “attacked a legal political and social system.” Tortuga faces a sentence of 5 to 20 years in prison.
Solidarity actions are needed now, it is now that it is necessary to show that Tortuga, and any other prisoner, is not alone.
The Sole-Baleno insurgent cell of the CARI-PGG declare that in the weeks of November 1 to 15 of 2011 a package bomb was mailed addressed to the general offices of the PGR [Federal Attorney General], to be explicit the package was addressed to the attorney general Miguel Mancera. Although our objective was to wound the heads or apparent heads of the police system, being that the package apparently “originated” from the general offices of Telmex, specifically from the person in Telmex responsible for the Secure City project — the assistant director of Social Communication “Concepción Rivera Romero,” the package would have been returned to him if it did not reach its destination. The package bomb was composed of a galvanized metal pipe, dynamite, a 2.5 volt source, matches, cable, a 9 volt battery, and shrapnel.
The super cop Marcelo Ebrad, who is obsessed with control and order, in complicity with the Telmex corporation, is creating and putting into practice a strategy of social control based on fear and the individual’s control of him or herself, the citizen as his or her own police officer and as his or her neighbor’s police officer, a police role that the citizenry accept without opposition, sometimes out of fear and others for the pleasure of serving the system, the nation in some way. We see that for this control to function it is necessary to employ the most advanced technology, which is in reality the high point not only for social control, but also for the total control of nature, for total and absolute control of the thinking and responsible individual who is able to manage their own life. Therefore it is necessary to attack the technological apparatus, although the struggle, our struggle, is focused on attacking the system of domination in its totality.
On the other hand, the police as an institution, their computers, their surveillance systems, their patrols, their criminologists, their experts and their gendarmes, are also destined for complete control, for the protection of the interests of those who have power, for the protection of the “social order” so loved by the social democrats.
The new democratic police are 100% aware of their situation and the work that they do as protectors of capital, of the social peace, of the citizenry and of the techno-system, therefore attacks against these enemies of freedom are without distinction fully justified, objectively directed, since a Federal officer who rapes and murders does not have or represent greater fault than a State or Municipal police officer, who for the same reasons or different motives also forms part of the control and order, and is thus disposed to kill, in part due to his own frustrations, although we must affirm that it is necessary above all to strike at the head of the police apparatus. The ways are diverse, from package bombs to direct executions, but always marking our line and principles, since we do not seek to discharge emotional violence but rather to utilize the offensive self-defense in the form of rational and objectively directed violence, a shot in the head is more than sufficient to wipe some repressor from the map, and if it is only a small warning, one may fire a pair of bullets into the legs, trying to cause as little sensationalism as possible and pledging that the attack remains within the rationality that lies behind antagonist violence. Violence is not the problem, it is as natural as fear, it is our sense of immediate self-defense that the State/Capital/Church mediates through their control, religion and — in the case of the anarchist and social movements — their “pacifist” leakages have intended to wrest from the individual; the problem is not violence, the question concerns the focus and manner in which it is utilized — even daily — in the strategy.
Greetings brothers and sisters of the CCF, and to Theofilos Mavropoulos, I send you a fraternal embrace full of affection and complicity across the distance…
It is certain that we are judged by some for being anarchists, the eternal enemies of power, and that it is our theory made practice for long years that they now intend to severely punish.
Your voice has reached my heart, those sincere words full of solidarity caress my face, that strength animates me and your conviction I love; knowing that behind those bars there are not groans of sorrow, but rather screams of hatred, rage, hope — this gladdens me and makes me reaffirm that we are on the right path; it is then that I realize that each day new comrades are born who return to give sense to our new urban guerrilla, which is no longer merely local but is international, thanks in great part to the FAI and the contribution by you the CCF. Moreover I consider important the contribution that you are making in the circles linked to anarchist individualism, and our new and beautiful Nihilism.
We feel the same hatred toward the state, the same total disregard towards the new happy slave, towards the stupid mass that lets itself be led, we feel the same impotence of not being able to demolish the extermination centers that hold us captive, we feel multiple orgasms when we deliver ourselves completely to the realization of anarchy…
We are far away, but from here the distance is nothing, we are sure that sooner than later we will find each other whether in Greece, Italy, Chile or Mexico; our insurrectionalist-Nihilist international has battle camps in the streets of the entire world and there will always be space for individuals who understand that anarchy is not a cheap ideology but rather an idea that lives and conceives itself in direct action, because we know that the damned powerful will not give up their privileges and will defend them to the end of their dirty lives…
It is for this reason that we must communicate the importance of the threat of our new nihilism, it is for this reason that we have to accept that in order to triumph with our idea, we must drown the enemy in blood, and so with our sharp knives we will continue advancing toward the encounter with chaos, toward the creative nothing, and we will throw ourselves naked into that beautiful abyss where there is complete individual freedom…
I endorse the FAI-IRF. The Informal Anarchist Federation – International Revolutionary Front that is doubtless the Black International of the anarchists of action, since it has shown its capacity to respond in the face of the challenges that are emerging around the world…
But your call is not only for those who are in the bombs case, but rather has passed also to our dear brother Luciano, to whom our greatest homage will be to give him the harvest of actions that we realize with our hands…
You have also dedicated words to our brother Cristóbal Bravo, who was recently beaten by paid cowards, and it is here that it becomes important to shout loudly that the attack on property is not sufficient, which our Russian nihilist comrades understood very well and showed us that we must go further, without fear of disaster, it is your lives or ours or that of some comrade in prison, for now the impunity of that deed strikes me hard in the heart; they say that revenge is a plate best served cold, they also say that vengeance kills the soul and poisons you, I believe strongly that vengeance is the dessert in a meal for a nihilist, therefore one must not wait for facts before acting, and the main course will be to take the offensive since there are stupid cowards on all sides…
Comrades, my most heartfelt respect to your organization CCF and for the revolutionary anarchist Theofilos Mavropoulos, for all your contribution to the anarchic struggle and all the dignity that has been shown during your trial and your time in prison, I want to tell you that as great as those walls may be they cannot hide the enormous dignity and the great courage that you have shown to us the anarchists of the entire world.
Today you raise your fist, yelling “SOLIDARITY” in the international language of anarchy. And at the same time, with the other hand you hold firmly the knife of nihilism to sink it into the bowels of this world of Power and submission, well good; I from here send you all strength and energy that you may never wane! And know that nothing can separate us, we have begun an international anarchist offensive and we will not stop until we get to see the total end of all authority, of all society, of all gods, of all morals…
I take with my two hands, firmly and without hesitation, your knife of nihilism so that together we sink it into the heart of every tyrant, of every cop, of every jailer, of every bourgeois so that upon their corpses we can dance, laugh, fuck, enjoy and conquer once and for all our total freedom!
The death of our brother Mauricio Morales and the death of comrade Lambros Fountas, the loss of Luciano‘s hands and the loss of Simos Seisidis‘s wounded leg are an eternal call to fight, no anarchist wounded or killed in combat will be forgotten, it is the hour to thrust our dagger into the heart of the capitalist beast, they are our nourishment.
To all like-minded arsonists and antagonists, the fifth communiqué from the Mexican Fire Cells Conspiracy/Informal Anarchist Federation (CCF-FAI/Mexico):
Neither exasperated, indignant, nor broken! Arsonists at war against domination!
Solidarity with the 32 people arrested yesterday!
Against the system of domination!
For Total Liberation!
Yesterday at 9:21 a.m., liberatory fire burned once again, destroying merchandise. The Fire Cells Conspiracy (CCF) faction of the Mexican Informal Anarchist Federation (FAI-M), Chihuahua section, gave life to antagonistic fire at the Woolworth in Las Torres shopping mall, also setting fire to several multinational capitalist entities here in Ciudad Juarez in solidarity with the 32 protestors arrested yesterday by the forces of repression. Thirteen shops were destroyed, as Woolworth and Wendy’s were consumed by antagonistic fire. With this attack, we also join the campaign for the release of comrade Gabriel Pombo da Silva, and we show solidarity with comrades Cristobal Franke, Francisco Moreno, Gonzalo Zapata, and Zerman Elias in Chile, our comrade Tamara, the comrade prisoners from the Fire Cells Conspiracy in Greece, and all anarchist comrades being held captive by the state in Mexico and the rest of the world.
We continue to strike the system of domination with coordinated international antagonistic struggle. Anarchist struggle is possible, and it is a weapon of solidarity with our imprisoned comrades. We leave behind the fear and indignation of the broken, and make the shift to decisive struggle against domination. We leave behind discourse and move on to practice. Our act of solidarity with the arrestees here in Ciudad Juarez doesn’t mean that we support the pacifist strategy of the indignant, nor does it mean that we stand in solidarity with their broken proposals. Our action isn’t in support of the Citizen’s Cause or any other leftist, Perredista, or Zapatista NGO. Our action is a warning that all attacks by domination will have a response.
We don’t want to change the laws. We don’t want to change domination. WE WANT TO DESTROY THEM!
Neither exasperated, indignant, nor broken—we are Arsonists! We are antagonists! We are anarchists!
We are all the Fire Cells Conspiracy!
The Fire Cells Conspiracy isn’t an ORGANIZATION. Rather, it is the antagonists’ expression of rage and contempt toward domination and its institutions.
By spreading the Fire Cells Conspiracy, we continue the war on the existent order.
All our solidarity with comrade Gabriel Pombo da Silva!
Long live antagonistic struggle!
Long live anarchy!
—Mexican Fire Cells Conspiracy/Informal Anrchist Federation (CCF/FAI-M); November 3, 2011
The police showed me four or five photos to see if I recognized one of them. I initially told them I was incapable of identifying someone I saw for two seconds and who was also wearing a motorcycle helmet. They then asked me if I could perhaps identify some physical features. I told them I couldn’t, and they asked me if any features were similar to those in the photos they showed me. I told them I couldn’t recall exactly, and they responded: “Good, we’ll put it down as ‘some similar features.’”
Meanwhile, prosecutors are preparing briefs regarding other attacks claimed by the Fire Cells Conspiracy. It’s still unclear whether a single trial will cover the group’s “complete works” or whether there will be a series of trials with slight changes in the ranks of the accused. In any case, authorities are insisting on attributing membership in the group to the four comrades arrested during the December 4, 2010 antiterrorist operation, among whom Karagiannidis and Mitrousias were already sentenced at the first trial to 20 and 11 years in prison respectively. Stella Antoniou and Costas Sakkas are facing the same charges as Karagiannidis and Mitrousias, while Dimitris Michail and Christos Politis—arrested the same day as the other four and released pending trial after spending six months in prison—are not mentioned in the brief, and prosecutors will be requesting their acquittal. The charges against the accused, whether they have revealed themselves to be Fire Cells Conspiracy members or not, are the same: “forming a terrorist organization,” “carrying out acts of terrorism,” etc., as well as “forgery” (given that fake identification documents were found). Karagiannidis and Sakkas face the additional charge of “impersonating authority,” since they are accused of dressing up as police officers in order to collect personal information from pedestrians (some students admitted to recognizing them) in order to create fake identification documents based on information from real people.
Additionally, the infamous accusation of being “leader” of the Fire Cells Conspiracy has reared its head again. You’ll recall that in early 2011, even before the first trial against the group began, the role of leader of the organization was attributed to Hatzimichelakis. Now, prosecutors are again toying with the same idea, but at the moment they are proposing three different “candidates” for the “position,” insinuating that the “leadership role” could have been filled by Bolano, Giorgos Nikolopoulos, Christos Tsakalos, or—why not?—all three of them together. An excerpt:
They, together with Hatzimichelakis and other unidentified people, ran the Fire Cells Conspiracy organization, in which they held decision-making and leadership positions. Their role was principal and decisive regarding the acquisition and supply of material and other means used by the organization to manufacture improvised explosive devices with the aim of illegally distributing them, the use and maintenance of apartments and storage spaces as hideouts and places to stockpile weapons, as well as the writing of the organization’s communiqués and their posting on Indymedia.
On November 7, an Athens Supreme Court tribunal will examine the petition to suspend the sentence of comrade Panayiotis Masouras. The same petition was submitted by the defense after sentencing in the first Fire Cells Conspiracy trial, but it was unanimously rejected. According to reports, the tribunal’s decision will be made public within a few days. Konstantina Karakatsani’s defense will be submitting the same type of petition in early December.
There has also been some amusing news. An Antiterrorist Unit agent who testified at the first Fire Cells Conspiracy trial (he was part of the surveillance team tasked with watching Hatzimichelakis’ apartment) was arrested two weeks ago for the armed robbery of a lottery agent’s in the Aghios Dimitrios neighborhood of Athens. His haul was 180 euros, and he was immediately caught by his own colleagues.